April 3 - Day 13


Today was awesome, it was all transit so I had time to catch up on all the relaxing that I have been eschewing for the last few days : Actually I helped break down the long core tube to 60 feet, apparently we are currently steaming toward a 'little mudhole' in the middle of the Galapagos islands where we are going to take one last set of cores before we head for port.

This afternoon we had a barbecue on the front deck, it was really great. We brought out all the deck chairs and 5 gallon buckets that we could find and put on some tunes and just relaxed for a few hours. I actually got a chance to talk to some of the scientists that have been on the other shift from me. They all specialize in ancient climate measurements, but they are all looking at it from different angles. I really enjoy this job because of all the different things that I get to learn about, not to mention all of the cool places that I get to go. After dinner I watched the graduate, I had forgotten how funny that movie was.

Tomorrow we make up for all the relaxing, we come on station at 6am (blah), so I am off to bed. G'Night all!
